Growing plants that feed the people
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We strive to help you grow food.  We hope these products may help you.


We offer services, plants, and infrastructure to help you grow food.

Bay Laurel "Aurea" (Laurel noblis var)

Bay Laurel "Aurea" (Laurel noblis var)


This is a beautiful Bay Laurel cultivar with bright yellow leaves. Bay leaves are used for cooking. This one has bright yellow new leaves make this 10-30' tree/shrub an superbly ornamental too

You can keep it smaller by pruning, and it makes for great container plant as well (a large container though).

Sun: Full to partial sun.

Soil Type: Good-draining soil.

Water: Low to moderate water needs.

Height: 10 to 30 feet tall.

Zone: 8

Potential Pests: Bay Laurel is susceptible to different pests like aphids, scale and lerp insects, thrips, caterpillars of codling moth and sooty moulds.

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Basil (Ocimum basilicum) *Multiple Varietals and Sizes Available* Basil-Red Rubin.jpg

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) *Multiple Varietals and Sizes Available*

from $5.00
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PRE MIXED WINTER Veggie Starts 2021 with 10 items

from $65.00
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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)- basic and cultivars available

from $8.00
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Gift Card

from $25.00
YOU CHOOSE Summer Veggie Start CSA through Community Supported Plant Starts Program (Copy) Greenhouse Full.jpg

YOU CHOOSE Summer Veggie Start CSA through Community Supported Plant Starts Program (Copy)

from $85.00