Web-based Garden consultation — Cascadia Edible Plant Nursery Cooperative

Happy Holidays!

We are in mid-metamorphosis with our entire backend system of main site, along with this one. Thank you for your patience

RE: Plants, We are done shipping plants for 2024 but can still send gift certificates if ordered by 12/20. We will resume mail-order plants in LATE FEBRUARY 2025. Please select shipping and make sure charges are applied, or we will call you to cover the shipping charges, generally 20-25% of plant cost.

Growing plants that feed the people
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We strive to help you grow food.  We hope these products may help you.


We offer services, plants, and infrastructure to help you grow food.

ONLINE with Email and Video Chat Consultation Services for simpler projects

ONLINE with Email and Video Chat Consultation Services for simpler projects

from $100.00

Consultation Services can be rendered online by email and video chat more efficiently with client participation

“There’s a saying that planning is worth 15 minutes of doing. In landscape and garden planning, 5 minutes of planning could save dozens and dozens of hours and thousands of dollars. With more than a dozen years in Design + Build Edible Landscaapes, including hardscapes and infrastructure, and a highly skilled team, we are well qualified to help you streamline your project and build your edible dream.

– Michael Seliga-Soulseed, Founder & “El Presidente” of CEL


Price is $100 per hour with $100/ minimum. Additional time will be billed at $1.67/minute to nearest minute. We will send invoice due upon receipt, minus original purchase. For people that purchase 2 or more hours up front, you will get a 10% discount on that additional time. So it pays for you to purchase more if you think you have a slightly complex site, but NOT too complex (we will help you determine this )

To maximize this time with us and get the most out of the online consultation, please

  1. Purchase this consultation.

  2. Fill out our questionnaire on our website.

    1. NOTE Purchase of this also designates a contract that you will pay for time beyond the initial 1 hour

  3. Fill out the letter of engagement on our website that details this out

  4. Send us as much information that you have: this includes, pictures (low resolution is fine, video, base plans (birds eye view of property lines), property reports communication clearly and effectively with written words and pictures, we can often get quite far with consultation.

  5. Scheduling: someone from our consultant-crew will reach out to figure out best time for both parities. We will try to turn these around as quickly as possible.

  6. Communication is KEY- once we send you information, we expect a somewhat prompt return. We will be having dozens of these going on, the the people that communicate better via email will get priority attention.


  7. If it is determined that the consultation is too complex to do over email and video chat, then consultant will work with client to schedule a site visit. Additional fees will apply, for site visit at same rate above, with minimum 1 hour on site + 1/2 travel time (we will find consultant closest to you). Or, we will offer a refund on the digitial consultation.

  8. If we (you and our company MUTUALLY determine that a design is necessary, then we will come out to do base plan measurements and continue the work from there upon mutual agreement . Additional costs and fees will apply.

  9. Expiration is 1 year from date of original purchase.

  10. This purchase is transferable with email sent from purchasers email to food (at) eatyouryard. com authorizing new person, along with their name, as well as NEW recipients email and name. Original date of purchase will apply to expiration.

  11. Questions: Please email AND TEXT!

Work Smarter Not Harder (add to cart)
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Simple Lot Edible Landscape Design

Edible Neighborhood PROMO! Buy one consultation, Get one free for neighbors!

Edible Neighborhood PROMO! Buy one consultation, Get one free for neighbors!

from $250.00
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Design Package

from $1,000.00
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A Gift Certificate to Edible Plant Nursery that keeps on giving

from $50.00
Consultation DEPOSIT

Consultation DEPOSIT

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